All the gear and some idea…

So many people ask me what gear I shoot with - as if the gear itself is the sole reason for how the photos turn out.

This is a topic that really gets me going. In my opinion, photography is 30% about what gear you have an 70% about the way you see things. Back in the day, I used to shoot on my 2nd hand iPhone 3 and although the quality wasn’t epic - I was still able to express myself with the tool I had.

In saying all that - iPhone photography has definitely changed things over the years. Now you can almost hide behind the ability of your gear. The capabilities of iPhones are insane - wide angles, telephoto, slow mo video, Timelapse, panorama - all within the palm of your hand. It’s both epic and concerning. Everyone has become a ‘photographer’ because they can get blurry backgrounds in their portrait photos.

That’s a topic for another day.

Don’t get me wrong, gear is important if you’re working professionally, but there’s no need for people to worship gear stats as much as they do.

I grew up using Canon, and to this day still love their gear (probably always will be given I fell in love with photography using it). But a few years back I made the switch to Sony - purely so that I had epic video AND stills quality for an overseas project. This is my current kit:

  • Sony a7III

  • Tamron 70-180mm F/2.8

  • Tamron 28-75mm F/2.8

Although I enjoy using those lenses, I’m definitely looking into a wider angle lens to increase my options when on set.

On another note - I have one more fun yet non essential part to my kit - my Phottix RGB M200R light. It’s a compact light that allows me to experiment with hue/saturation changes while doing light painting. It makes me both breathless and very excited running around with it.

So whatever stage you’re at in your photography journey, don’t let a lack of gear prevent you from experimenting and getting creative with it!


My Photography Motivation.